Today marks the end of Seniors Month 2015

Published on July 2, 2015

During the month, we have shared some important information about government programs and services, and other resources for seniors.  We hope this information is helpful and that you will share it with others who may find it helpful.  We have also shared messages on Twitter about agelessness and how our age does not define who we are and what we do.

In case you missed any of our tweets, here they are:

- Participation is ageless.  Stay connected with groups in your area who share your interests.

- Involvement is ageless.  Share your knowledge, passion, and skill with those around you.

- Ambition is ageless.  What’s on your bucket list?  Start crossing things off!

- Curiosity is ageless.  There’s a world of learning available through your local library, internet, and other resources.

- Compassion is ageless.  Who are those around you in need?  Maybe in need of a kind word?

- Happiness is ageless.  Find something to do every day that makes you smile, giggle or laugh out loud.

- Kindness is ageless.  Visit your local coffee shop and buy a coffee for the person standing in line behind you.

- Learning is ageless.  Join a class or, better yet, teach a class!

- Spontaneity is ageless.  Pack a brown bag lunch for two and invite a friend to join you for a picnic in a park or at a desk.

- Exercising is ageless.  Join a gym, sign up for a dance class, or walk around your living room!

- Volunteering is ageless. People helping people is linked to greater physical and psychological well-being. How can you lend a hand?

- Socializing is ageless.  Seniors who socialize have less memory loss than those who don’t. Introduce yourself to someone new.

- Contributing is ageless.  Be a positive influence in your workplace. Mentor a new employee!

- Intimacy is ageless.  Celebrate the joy of a loving relationship by planning a romantic evening at home with that special someone.

- Imagination is ageless.  Write! Draw! Sculpt! Get in touch with your inner artist and express yourself.  It’s all good.

- Beauty is ageless. Make someone’s day by telling them how good they look. Maybe they’ll do the same for you!

- Mindfulness is ageless.  Pay attention to the people around you. Do what you can to make sure they’re happy, healthy and cared for.

- Awareness is ageless.  The Adult Protection Act protects vulnerable adults in NL. Call 1-855-376-4957 to report abuse and neglect.

- Caring is ageless. Being a caregiver is rewarding and challenging. Do something good for yourself.

- Sharing is ageless.  Get involved with your local council and have your say!  Don’t just talk about it, do something!

- And finally, exploration is ageless.  Get out and discover the beauty of your community and province.


On behalf of the Seniors and Aging Division, we hope this has been a great month of celebration and recognition.  For more information on any of our programs and services, please call 1.888.494.2266 or email

“Leave the beaten track behind occasionally and dive into the woods. Every time you do you will be certain to find something you have never seen before.” Alexander Graham Bell

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