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Francophones of Newfoundland-and-Labrador web-portal
Pour de l‘information en français!
Cultural heritage
Community resources
Activités à distance
Fiches juridiques à l'intention des personnes aînées
Government Resources for Seniors
Groups of Francophone seniors in Newfoundland and Labrador
Directory of Services for Francophone Seniors in NL
Arts & Culture
Calls for tenders in the cultural sector
Calls for tenders in the education sector
Newfoundland and Labrador French Language Literary Festival
Financing available
Directory of Artists
Comprehensive Development Plan
Post-Secondary Education and Continuing Education in French
Early Childhood and Family
Literacy & Essentials Skills
Family and Childhood
History & Heritage
Provincial Day of Francophonie
Readings in Newfoundland and Labrador
Francophone Community Anthem of NL
Immigration - Vivre à TNL
Newcomer's guide
National francophone immigration week
Recrutement international
Guide for the West of Labrador
Rencontre jeunesse provinciale
Jeux de l'Acadie
Jeux de la francophonie
Jeux de la francophonie internationale
Jeux de la francophonie canadienne
Parlement jeunesse de l'Acadie
Forum jeunesse pancanadien
Festival jeunesse de l'Acadie
Annual General Meeting
Justice in French
Legal Services in French
Preventing Sexual Harassment in the Workplace
Employers actively fighting sexual harassment in the workplace
Ambiguous gestures and words
Law Society of Newfoundland and Labrador
Admission to the Bar
Information Resources
NL Human Rights Commission
Buy a new or used vehicle or lease a new vehicle on a long-term basis
Job opportunities in the justice sector
Frequently Consulted Legislation
Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms
Covid-19 Special Legislation
Legal Aid NL
What is Legal Aid?
Legal AID NL Offices
Criminal Proceedings
French-speaking lawyers
Poster Contest - Preventing gender-based violence
Rendez-vous de la francophonie
Quiz RVF 2021
Continue in french
Health centres and hospitals
Active Offers
Mental Health and Addictions
Société Santé en français (SSF)
Working in Healthcare in NL
Health Passport
French speaking health care professionals
Visages de la santé
Pinos Mpiana
Allison Chaytor
Maurice Nzoyamara
Lee Trowbridge
Randy Follet
Skye Fisher
Pamela Tucker
Anastasia Knudsen
Brian Kizner
Marc-Alexandre Mestres
Stacy Smith
Nancy Dillon
Clare Halleran
Joseph Kayumba
Dominic Demers
Yulia Kudryakova
Provincial government programs and services
Services in French
Ma langue, c'est ma fierté !
Carte des services en français
Bulletin Le FrancoTNL
Roger Champagne Award
Nabil Mikhail
Contact info
Gander, Center
110 avenue Roe A1V 1W8
Phone : (709) 651-0226
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